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Marxism Institute Salon Seminar Held A National Social Science Fund Project Declaration
Date:2017-02-17   Hits:

The morning of January 15,school of marxism in the conference room salon seminar held a national social science fund project declaration. Dean professor de-fu dong, part of teachers has crowned national social science fund project, ready to declare 2017 teachers and so on attended the seminar. Professor li li, vice President of the presided over the activities.

At the start of activity, li li, deputy director of the purpose of this activity and requirements, 2017 institute in the country to declare arrangements of projects, etc are introduced. Then, de-fu dong, dean of the national social science fund project in 2016 to declare, summarizes the overall situation, he pointed out that in 2016, our hospital in the country and the province departmental level project application obtained the unprecedented good grades, the fact that, as long as the teachers' positive declaration, there will always be harvested. He hopes to present teachers to problem consciousness as the guide, close to China's economic and social development needs, in strict accordance with the specification requirements of the various disciplines and multidirectional domain expert advice, carefully written declaration, increase possibility is approved. Subsequently, ready to declare the teacher this year, respectively, introduces the respective declaration the participating teachers for every teacher to declare the project name, research significance, structure arrangement and there may be a question has carried on the earnest analysis and discussion, especially has declared the teacher talked about their experiences.

Through this salon seminars, declare the teachers selected topic and the research train of thought to have a more clear understanding, designed for the declaration provides a very valuable reference. Inside and outside hospital expert, will also be invited to the college teachers written declaration for checks and discussion, to further improve the quality of the declaration.

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